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Purple 4 Polio Fundraising Event


Rotary, as part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, has been working for 35 years to rid the world from polio for ever.  Since its inception polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% and is now only endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  It is essential that we continue this work to keep other countries polio-free.  If we stopped immunising children today it is estimated that within 10 years as many as 200,000 children could be paralysed by this disease.  A polio vaccine costs just 15p. 


To support the polio eradication programme North Cotswolds Rotary is organising a special showing of the film ‘Breathe’ at Upper Rissington Village Hall on Saturday 13th April.  The film will start at 7:30pm with the bar open from 6:30pm. Tickets are only £10.    


Breathe is a story about living every breath as though it’s your last. Robin Cavendish (Andrew Garfield) has his whole life ahead of him when he is paralysed by polio whilst in Africa in 1958. Contrary to all advice, Robin’s wife Diana (Claire Foy) brings him home from hospital where her devotion and witty determination transcends his disability. Against the odds, Robin’s illness gave him new purpose - fighting tirelessly for the rights of disabled people - and his pioneering work had a huge impact on mobility and access for the disabled.


Tickets are available at (type in ‘breathe rotary’) or click on the QR code below:

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